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Meditation for Groups

Increase Group Synergy

We offer comprehensive meditation programme that will address the needs of your company and employees.
Our workshops are geared towards companies, sports clubs, schools,
community organizations as well as the general public.

Available Programmes

There are three pre-designed programmes that can be further customized according to your requirements.


Total Duration

No. of Sessions


Designed For

Max. Participants

Finding Hope Within

5 Hours

4 to 5

Visited / Online

Small Groups


Moment of Truth

2 Hours


Visited / Online

Medium Groups


Energizer of the Day

1 Hour



Medium & Large Groups


Programme Contents

Our workshops provide great insight about the mind, underlying causes of stress, and the solution for living the life one wants.

The following topics are covered in the workshops.

01Warm-up and Releasing Exercise

Greeting and gentle stretching

02Defining the Mind

Understanding the human mind and the cause of stress


Reflecting on what makes one unhappy

04Introduction to the Method

Learning to eliminate the false human mind and find the solution to live happily 

05Guided Meditation

Meditating with step by step guidance

06Q&A and Feedback

Sharing experiences and discussing the way forward

We Have Worked With

How Meditation Can Help Your Team

When people find true happiness, they can contribute positively towards creating a harmonious and healthier team environment.

1. Inner Motivation

  • Boosted Energy and Vitality
  • Stress Relief

You will gain more energy and vitality to do your best work when you get rid of the fundamental root causes of your stress and pain.

2. Efficiency and Creativity

  • Increased Concentration
  • Embrace Change

When your mind is cleansed, you are efficient. You are free from hinderances and welcome new challenges.

3. Harmonious Relationships

  • Improved Communication
  • Natural Leadership

By expanding your consciousness, you can truly listen to others. You will be able to accept others and treat them with understanding.

4. Synergy Creation

  • Enhanced Cooperation
  • Optimum Performance

When team interactions become positive, the work place is naturally happy. Your team excels in every task it performs.

Contact Us

For more details, please fill out the form below or call 076 700 2893 or email