Imagine sliding down life as you enjoy the ride as if you’re in an amusement park? “Woohoo!”. Well, as much as it sounds surreal, meditation can make the magic happen.
Through the method at Colombo Meditation I learnt that we humans are stuck in our own “fool’s paradise”. A bubble that bursts and disappears with nothing left behind when we die. A bubble that I alone am deluded that exists, entraps me in my worry, stress, negativity, blaming and causing me to live obeying the command of the illusionary pictures I possess.
The solution was clear. The method taught me to systematically eliminate the pictures along with the whole bubble which was an illusion. The Truth that was concealed slowly revealed like the blue sky that emerges when the rain clouds disappear. I confirmed the place of Truth within me when I completed the meditation to the end. Truth is the place of optimum potential, wisdom and acceptance.
I started to have a positive outlook on life, my relationships got better, I became a better listener. I started to do my best in whatever that I did. Migraine, gastritis and anemia which were a literal pain for half my life is cured too! All questions, curiosities are solved.
The method has given me the ultimate answer. The changes along the way were immense, but can never be compared to the end, when I found and confirmed the land of Truth within.
I’m glad I continued with the encouragement and support of the kind helpers and the fellow members who always rooted for me. I’m eternally grateful to the teachers for this valuable method that is truly a treasure!